Run Your Own Dedicated Server


Dedicated server is the safe place to keep your website. These servers are mainly used to have a complete security and web performance.

Here are the ways on how to run your own dedicated server:

You have to choose of whether you want a blade, rackmount, or tower setup. The blade and rackmount servers are mainly used by large websites who need larger space and get huge amount of page visits every month while tower servers are right for small websites that doesn’t need large bandwidth. is the site you need when it comes to buying the best parts for a server.

You must choose what operating system to use. Many internet marketers opted for Linus based software because they are free and not prone to virus. Windows operating system for servers are very hefty and as of 2009 study the license server amounts about $660. And this is the reason why many choose to learn and understand the all-new operating system which is the Linux than paying the amount of $660. Never underestimate the power of Linus because many servers around the world make use of the Linux to keep and maintain their servers running. Whenever you are finished downloading the free Oss, remember to download of all the latest updates and developments. Make sure that you are using software that are proven and tested or known as a reliable or stable because running old operating software is responsive to attacks and viruses. Also, you can choose a commonly employed server like the Apache. It is the most notable server used by big search engines such as the Google and Yahoo!

Carefully choose your server software. The AMP configuration is widely used for servers; LAMP translates into Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP; WAMP translates into Windows, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP. Apache is a program that turns a computer into a web server. MySQL is essentially a database program. PHP is a programming language used by many Web sites.

Dry run your newly set-up dedicated server. To do it, simply go to another computer and try to access the server by its IP addressor the website domain it is hosting. You can see “It Works” on your web browser if you have installed LAMP or WAMP on your server. You can then start running your website on your own server if its fully set-up and working.

For smaller online businesses which doesn’t have tremendous traffic yet but is already building up to it and requires a more secure and reliable hosting environment, the best-dedicated server may be a dedicated virtual server. To learn more about the cheapest dedicated server hosting, visit this website:

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